The Newnan Times-Herald 

Publication Name:
The Newnan Times-Herald

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Newnan, GA

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foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Thursday, July 30, 2015

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CLASS:007 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF COWETA By virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that Security Deed executed and delivered by Ardith L. Boone to Regions Bank, dated January 15, 2004, and recorded in Deed Book 2550, Page 707, Coweta County Records, as affected by that certain QuitClaim Deed from Regions Bank to Ardith Lucinda Boone, a/k/a Ardith Boone, dated August 15, 2006, recorded in Deed Book 3042, Page 275, as further affected by that certain QuitClaim Deed from Regions Bank to Ardith L. Boone, Roy Dan Wilson and Eric L. Wilson, dated October 28, 2011, recorded in Deed Book 3722, Page 430, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and .50/1.00 ($250,000.00) with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry before the Courthouse door in said County by CFS Allocation Solutions VI, LLC, as assignee of Regions Bank, by virtue of that certain Assignment of Security Deed from Regions Bank to CFS Allocation Solutions II, LLC, dated effective June 13, 2014, recorded in Deed Book 4104, Page 747, that certain Assignment of Security Deed from CFS Allocation Solutions II, LLC to CFS Allocation Solutions V, LLC, dated effective August 14, 2014, recorded in Deed Book 4128, Page 487, and that certain Assignment of Security Deed from CFS Allocation Solutions V, LLC to CFS Allocation Solutions VI, LLC, dated effective January 7, 2015, recorded in Deed Book ____, Page _____, Coweta County records, during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August, 2015, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, as follows: SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1TRACT I: Al1 that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in Land Lot No. 68 of the Fourth Land District of Coweta County, Georgia, containing one (1) acre according to a plat made by T. Y. Mattox, Aug. 10, 1965, reference to which is had, and being more particularly described as follows: Begin at a point which is located on the North line of Land Lot No. 68 where the same is intersected by the center line of a private 20 foot road and run thence southwesterly along said center line of the private road a distance of 351 feet to a point and thence run easterly at a right angle with said center line 18 feet to the starting point of the lot herein sold. Thence run South 26 degrees 00 minutes West 209 feet to a corner; thence run North 64 degrees 00 minutes East 209 feet to a corner; thence run North 26 degrees 00 minutes West 209 feet to the beginning point. Said tract is bounded on the North, East and South by other property of Grantor and on the West by a private road belonging to Grantor. TRACT II: All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 22.47 acres located in the northeastern past of Land. Lot 68 of the Fourth Land District of Coweta County, Georgia, more particularly described as follows: Begin at an iron pin on the East line of Land Lot 68 which iron pin is 210 feet southerly from the northeast corner of Land Lot 68 as measured along the east line of Land Lot 68, run thence North 89 decrees 39 minutes West along the property of Martha Kee Boone 210 feet to an iron pin; thence north 2 degrees 42 minutes East along the West line of property of Martha Kee Boone 210 feet to an iron pin; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes West along the South line of property of Bruce Boone 478.45 feet to an iron pin; thence South 1 degree 31 minutes West along the East line of property of James A. Boone 1524.81 feet to an iron pin; thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes East along the North line of property of Terrell 657.5 feet to an iron pin to the East line of Land Lot 68; thence North 2 degrees 42 minutes East along the East line of Land Lot 68 1307.65 feet to the point of beginning. Plat of the above property is recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 5, Coweta County, Georgia records. LESS AND EXCEPT FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY THE FOLLOWING PARCEL OF LAND: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lot 68 of the Fourth Land District of Coweta County, Georgia, being Tract 3 containing 3.00 acres and Tract 4 containing 3.00 acres as per plat prepared for Mark Franklin Rogers by Robert P. Briggs, dated May 26, 2006 and being of record in Plat Book 86, Page 249, Coweta County, Georgia Records. Reference to said plat is hereby made for a more complete and accurate description of the property herein described. TRACT III: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being on Land Lot 68 of the Fourth Land District of Coweta County, Georgia, containing 2.194 acres, and more particularly described as follows: Begin at a concrete marker on the north land lot line of said Land Lot 68, which concrete marker is 688.45 feet west of the northeast corner of said Land Lot 68 as measured along the north land lot line of said Land Lot 68, and from said concrete marker and point of beginning run thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes west along the southerly boundary of property of Bruce Boone a distance of 451.13 feet to an iron pin located on the easterly right of way of a 36 foot wide dirt road, which iron pin is also a distance of 663 feet south of the intersection of said easterly right of way of said dirt road with the centerline of Boone Road, thence run South 04 degrees 57 minutes East along said easterly right of way of said dirt road a distance of 92.02 feet to an iron pin; thence run South 12 degrees 44 minutes East along said easterly right of way of said dirt road a distance of 84.80 feet to an iron pin; thence run South 22 degrees 57 minutes East along said easterly right of way of said dirt road a distance of 139.90 feet to a rock pile; thence run North 65 degrees 10 minutes East a distance of 403.80 feet to an iron pin located on the westerly boundary line of property of Hollis Boone; thence run North 01 degrees 31 minutes East along the westerly boundary line of property of Hollis Boone a distance of 131.00 feet to the concrete marker and point of beginning. Plat recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 71 The said debt secured by the said Security Deeds being in default, said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses in connection with this foreclosure including but not limited to all accrued and unpaid interest, attorney's fees and expenses of sale. Upon the best information and belief of Lender, the above-described property is in the possession of Michael E. Sumner, as Administrator of the Estate of Ardith Lucinda Boone and Eric Scott Wilson, and/or tenants of Borrower or other persons or entities in possession with the consent or acquiescence of Borrower or said Administrator, and the property is commonly known as 108 Floyd Road and 22.47 acres Floyd Road, Newnan, Georgia 30283, according to the present system of numbering properties in Coweta County, Georgia. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Midwest Servicing, Inc., as servicing agent for CFS Allocation Solutions VI, LLC, 200 CrossKeys Office Park, Suite 230, Fairport, NY 14450 at 585-377-2810. Please understand that the secured creditor is not required to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. Said property will be sold as the property of Ardith L. Boone and Eric Scott Wilson, and subject to any outstanding ad valorem real property taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matter which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. CFS Allocation Solutions VI, LLC, as assignee of Regions Bank, as attorney in fact for Ardith L. Boone Presented by: ______________________________ MICHAEL D. PAYNE, Attorney for CFS Allocation Solutions VI, LLC McCullough, Payne & Haan, LLC 271 17th Street, N.W. Suite 2200 Atlanta, Georgia 30363-6213 (404) 873-1386 No.62447-7-9-16-23-30