The Newnan Times-Herald 

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The Newnan Times-Herald

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sale under power

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Notice Publish Date:
Thursday, July 09, 2015

Notice Content

CLASS:007 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF COWETA Under and by virtue the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt, Security Agreement and Assignment of Leases and Rents (the “Security Deed”) from Shadi Y. Amria (“Grantor” or “Borrower”) to Excel National Bank, a National Banking Association, dated August 4, 2006, filed August 16, 2006, and recorded at Deed Book 3026, Page 594, Coweta County, Georgia records, said Security Deed most recently assigned to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for the Registered Holders of CBA Commercial Assets, Small Balance Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-2 (“Grantee” or “Lender”) by that certain Corporate Assignment filed August 31, 2010, and recorded in Deed Book 3596, Page 149, aforesaid records, Grantee, as attorney-in-fact for Grantor, will sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash before the courthouse doors in Coweta County, Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August, 2015, the following described real property, to wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND IDENTIFIED AS TRACT "A" CONTAINING 3.9 ACRES; SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 128 OF THE FIFTH LAND DISTRICT OF COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF SURVEY FOR DONALD L. DAVIS, DATED JUNE 28, 1982, REVISED SEPTEMBER 1, 1982, AS REVISED SEPTEMBER 17, 1982, MADE BY LANDMARK SURVEYING, INC., W.W. HIGH, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 30, PAGE 223, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA TO WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR AND ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY CONVEYED HEREIN. SAID PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TO A GEORGIA POWER EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON ABOVE REFERENCED PLAT SURVEY. ADDRESS: 68 QUARRY RD.; NEWNAN, GA 30263 TAX MAP OR PARCEL ID NO.: 046-5128-008 The debt secured by the Security Deed is evidenced by that certain Semi-Annual Adjustable Interest Rate Term Note from Borrower to Excel National Bank, a National Banking Association, dated August 4, 2006, in the original principal amount of $238,000.00, as amended, replaced, restated or modified (the “Note”) plus interest on the unpaid balance until paid, and other indebtedness. Default has occurred and continues under the terms of the Note and Security Deed by reason of, among other possible events of default, the nonpayment when due of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note and secured by the Security Deed and the failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Note and Security Deed. By reason of this default, the Security Deed has been declared foreclosable according to its terms. The above-described real property will be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash, the proceeds to be applied to the payment of said indebtedness, attorney's fees, and the lawful expenses of said sale, all as provided in the Note and Security Deed. The sale shall be subject to the following: all outstanding ad valorem taxes and/ or assessments, if any; possible redemptive rights of the Internal Revenue Service, if any; and all other prior assessments, easements, restrictions or matter of record. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief, the party in possession of the real property is Shadi Y. Amria and/or tenants claiming under Shadi Y. Amria. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for the Registered Holders of CBA Commercial Assets, Small Balance Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-2, as Agent and Attorney-in-Fact for Shadi Y. Amria Charles B. Waters, Jr. Aldridge Pite, LLP Fifteen Piedmont Center 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500 Atlanta, Georgia 30305 (404) 994-7400 THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. No.62533-7-9-16-23-30