The Brunswick News 

Publication Name:
The Brunswick News

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Brunswick, GA

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sale under power

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Notice Publish Date:
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

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STATE OF GEORGIA GLYNN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER By virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt from H & A CORPORATION to SOUTH COAST BANK AND TRUST, A DIVISION OF WAYCROSS BANK & TRUST dated October 10, 2011, filed for record and recorded in Deed Book 2915, Page 158, Glynn County, Georgia Records, said Deed to Secure Debt having been given to secure a Note dated October 10, 2011, in the original principal amount of ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($1,640,000.00) with interest from date at the rate stated in said Note on the unpaid balance until paid, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Glynn County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July, 2015 the property address is 1967, 1969 & 1973 Glynn Avenue, BRUNSWICK, GA 31520 and is described as follows: TRACT ONE: ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Brunswick, in Glynn County, Georgia, described and identified according to the plat of survey dated July 13, 1965, made by Robert C. Burns entitled "PORTION OF PARK PLAZA TRACT," reference being hereby made to said survey for the purpose of establishing the location, boundaries and dimensions of said tract, said tract being more particularly described according to said survey as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a pipe on the Eastern line of Glynn Avenue measured South 25 degrees, 24 minutes, 58 seconds West 26.65 feet from the PRM located at the intersection of the Southern line of "J" street with the Western line of Glynn Avenue, and from said beginning point running thence North 40 degrees, 59 minutes 18 seconds West for a distance of 21.34 feet to the Southern line of "J" street, thence running south 75 degrees, 27 minutes, 36 seconds West for a distance of 150 feet to an iron pin; thence running South 8 degrees, 24 minutes, 27 seconds East for a distance of 108.16 feet to an iron pin; thence running South 88 degrees, 26 minutes, 34 seconds East for a distance of 100 feet to an iron pin located at the Western line of Glynn Avenue; thence running North 25 degrees 24 minutes, 58 seconds East along the Western line of Glynn Avenue for a distance of 154.14 feet to the BEGINNING POINT. TRACT TWO: ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 26th G.M. District, Glynn County, Georgia, being shown on the plat entitled "BOUNDARY Survey of 58, 798.76 S.F., 1.35 Acres" dated 1-24-07 for Fending Realty, prepared by EMC Engineering Services, Inc. and being more particularly described as follows; A point of BEGINNING shall be from an iron pin at the Right-Of-Way intersection of the Southern Right-Of-Way line of "J" Street a 50 foot Right-of-Way and the Western Right-Of-Way line of Cook Street an 80 foot Right-Of-Way; from said point of beginning commence North 72 degrees 00 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 169.55 feet to a point; thence departing the Right-Of-Way of "J" street, commence South 04 degrees 56 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 110.09 feet to a point; thence proceed South 88 degrees 15 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 79.16 feet to a point on the Western Right-Of-Way of Highway 17, having a varying Right-Of-Way; thence proceed Southerly along said Right-Of-Way along a curve to the right having a radius of 5,154.73 feet, a chord distance of 11.45 feet and a chord bearing South 21 degrees 03 minutes 03 seconds West to a point; thence continue along a curve to the right having a radius of 4,110.43 feet, a chord distance of 27.36 feet and a chord bearing of South 20 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds West to a point; thence departing said Right-Of-Way, commence North 88 degrees 15 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 107.86 feet to a point; thence proceed South 30 degrees 01 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 146.86 feet to a point, thence proceed North 88 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 118.67 feet to a point on the Eastern Right-Of-Way of Cook Street; thence proceed along said Right-Of-Way North 41 degrees 48 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 63.88 feet to a point; thence proceed along a curve to the left having a radius of 300.06 feet, a chord distance of 91.22 feet and a chord bearing of North 30 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East to a point; thence continue along a curve to the left having a radius of 145.59 feet, a chord distance of 90.60 feet and a chord bearing of North 03 degrees 52 minutes 42 seconds West to the point of BEGINNING. The above-described land encompasses 33452.60 square feet (0.77 acres). TRACT THREE: ALL OF THAT CERTAIN LOT, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Brunswick, County of Glynn, State of Georgia, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the western line of Glynn Avenue (U.S. Highway #17) measured South 25 degrees, 24 minutes, 58 seconds West 220.79 feet from the intersection of the Western line of Glynn Avenue (U.S. Highway #17) with the southern line of "J" Street, the said beginning point being marked by an iron pipe and being the northeastern corner of the tract hereby conveyed; from said beginning point running thence South 25 degrees 24 minutes and 58 seconds West for a distance of 140 feet along the western line of Glynn Avenue to a stone; thence running North 88 degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds East for a distance of 140 feet to an iron pipe; thence running North 30 degrees 47 minutes East for a distance of 146.71 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 88 degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds East for a distance of 125 feet to the BEGINNING POINT. LESS AND EXCEPT that tract or parcel of land consisting of 0.0372 acres, more or less, as conveyed to the Department of Transportation by that certain Right-Of-Way Deed dated August 6, 1999 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Glynn County, Georgia in Deed Book 604, Page 211. TRACT FOUR: Also conveyed hereby is a perpetual nonexclusive easement for driveway purposes over the following described premises: All that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Brunswick, in Glynn County, Georgia, described and identified according to the well known maps of the plan of said City, said tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the western line of Glynn Avenue (U.S. Highway #17) measured South 25 degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds West 180.79 feet from the intersection of the western line of Glynn Avenue (U.S. Highway #17) with the southern line of "J" Street, the said beginning point being marked by an iron pipe; and from said point running thence South 25 degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds West along the western line of Glynn Avenue (U.S. Highway #17) for a distance of 40 feet to an iron pipe; thence running North 88 degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds West for a distance of 60 feet to an iron pipe; thence running North 25 degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds East for a distance of 40 feet to an iron pipe; thence running South 88 degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds East for a distance of 60 feet to the BEGINNING POINT. Also conveyed hereby is the right of ingress and egress from Tract Three described herein to the adjacent premises now or formerly owned by Charles D. Bruce and Edward C. Bruce which border Tract A on the western line thereof and which border the northern line of Tract Three from the northwestern corner of Tract Three to the western boundary of the easement described as Tract Four. The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, non-payment of the monthly installments on said loan. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, including attorney's fees. Said property will be sold subject to the outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assessments, if any, and all easements and restrictions of record, if any, having priority over this Deed to Secure Debt. SOUTH COAST BANK AND TRUST, ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS AS THEIR INTEREST MAY APPEAR as Attorney in Fact for H & A Corporation Contact: John P. McQuigg Whelchel & McQuigg, LLC 504 Beachview Drive, Suite 3D St. Simons Island, GA 31522 (912) 638-1174 THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.