The Herald-Leader 

Publication Name:
The Herald-Leader

Publication URL:

Publication City and State:
Fitzgerald, GA

Publication County:
Ben Hill

Notice Popular Keyword Category:

Notice Keywords:
foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Notice Content

Ben Hill County
UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in that certain security deed executed by Joe Buchanan, to Community Banking Company of Fitzgerald dated August 16, 2006, and recorded August 22, 2006, in Deed Book 640, pages 247-250, Deed Records of Ben Hill County, Georgia, and for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured thereby, which is now due and payable, together with the costs of sale, the undersigned will sell on the first Tuesday in May, 2017, at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door in Ben Hill County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wit:
All of City Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Square 13, Block 12 in the City of Fitzgerald, formerly Irwin, now Ben Hill County, Georgia, as shown by the plat of said city made by or for the American Tribune Soldiers Colony Company of file in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County, Georgia.
The physical address of said property is 501 E. Jessamine St., Fitzgerald, GA 31750.
The said property will be sold subject to (a) any and all taxes and assessments levied or assessed prior to the current year, (b) ad valorem
taxes for the current year, (c) all liens, encumbrances, and other matters of record, if any, that are superior to or have priority over the security deed being foreclosed, and (d) final confirmation that at the time of the sale being advertised herein there was no automatic stay in effect with respect to the above described property due to the filing of a petition for relief under any chapter of the United States Bankruptcy Code with respect to a person having an interest in the above described property.
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 9-13-172.1, the Secured Creditor may under certain circumstances rescind the sale being advertised herein, within 30 days after the sale but before the foreclosure deed or deed under power has been delivered to the purchaser at such sale.
Unless the sale is rescinded as hereinabove provided, a conveyance will be executed to the purchaser at such sale as authorized under the power of sale contained in the Security Deed aforesaid.
The name of the creditor asserting this claim against you is Community Banking Company of Fitzgerald. The creditor's address is, 102 W. Roanoke Dr., P.O. Box 130, Fitzgerald, GA 31750. The creditor's telephone number is (229) 423-4321. Barry Peavey, is the creditor's employee at such location who has the authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all of the
terms of the foregoing security deed and the indebtedness secured thereby, although he is not obligated to negotiate, amend, or modify the said security deed or the indebtedness secured thereby.
This 29th day of March, 2017.
Community Banking Company of Fitzgerald, as Attorney in Fact for Joe Buchanan
Jay, Sherrell, Smith, Braddy & Cook, P.C.
Attorneys At Law