The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Publication City and State:
Hinesville, GA

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Notice Keywords:
foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Notice Content

gpn14 HS Foreclosures IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LIBERRTY COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Elizabeth Jacobs Plaintiff vs. all persons unknown who claim or might claim adversely to Plaintiff's title to 24.19+/-, 1359th, G.M.D. Defendants Civil Action No.: 2016-V-721RR TO: All those claiming an interest in 24.19 +/-, 1359th, G.M.D. Specifically, heirs of the Estate of Dave Etal M41976onroe. You are hereby notified that the above-styled action seeking to establish title to the below described property against all the world was filed on August 19, 2016, in the superior court of Liberty County, Georgia, Atlantic Judicial Circuit, and that by reason of order for service by publication entered by said court on the 14th day of November, 2016, you are hereby commanded to be and appear at said court within 30 days of the date of the order for service by publication to answer said petition and file pleadings before the court. All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the 1359th G.M. District of Liberty County, Georgia, being Tract "B", containing 49.70 acres, more or less, Said property has such metes, bounds and location as shown on a plat prepared by Quillie R. Kinard, Jr. G.R.L.S. # 1572, dated October 3, 1985, and recorded in Plat Slide L-41, Folio 3, Liberty County Deed Records, said plat being incorporated herein by reference thereto for descriptive and all other purposes. Subject to certain restrictive covenants, dated June 21, 1999 and recorded in Deed Book 922, page 388, Liberty County Deed Records. Less and Except: all that tract as shown in Plat Book M-1, Page 3 and Tract A as described in Deed Book 952, Page 377. Said property is the same property as described in that certain Tax Deed, dated June 5, 2007, recorded in Deed Book 1480, page 734, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia. WITNESS the Honorable Robert L. Russell, Judge of said court. This14 of November, 2016. Joann Downy, Deputy Clerk of Superior Court Liberty County, Georgia 41976 12/14,21,28,1/11