The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Hinesville, GA

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foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Notice Content

gpn14 HS Foreclosures NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY Under authority of the powers of sale and conveyance contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt given by JONATHAN RICHARDSON to GLENNVILLE BANK, dated December 31, 2012, the same being recorded in Deed Book 1756, Pages 70-77, Liberty County Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note dated December 31, 2012, executed by JONATHAN RICHARDSON, in the original principal amount of THREE HUNDRED FORTY-NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY-SEVEN AND 75/100 DOLLARS ($349,957.75), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold on the first Tuesday in October, 2016, within the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in Hinesville, Liberty County, Georgia, at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the land conveyed in said security deed described as follows: TRACT ONE: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Hinesville, in the 17th G.M. District of Liberty County, Georgia, known and designated as Lot Numbered One (1), North Main Subdivision, according to a certain survey map or plat of said subdivision made by Stuckey & Kimmer, Inc., Surveying and Drafting, Savannah, Georgia, entitled "North Main Subdivision, a subdivision of a portion of the Olmsted or Jelks Estate, City of Hinesville, Liberty County, Georgia" in Book of Plats #6, at page 49, on January 9, 1975; for a more particular description of said lot and its exact metes and bounds, reference being hereby made to the aforesaid recorded map or plan, which, by reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Said property is further identified and more fully described by that certain plat prepared by Joseph H. Stuckey, Jr., Georgia Registered Surveyor #1861, dated December 15, 1975, said plat being recorded in Deed Book 138, at Page 401, of the records of said Clerk, said plat being incorporated herein by reference for descriptive purposes. TRACT TWO: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Hinesville, 17th G.M. District (formerly called the 1458th) of Liberty County, Georgia, and being Lot No. 9 and Lot No. 10, Block "A" Sikes Subdivision, as shown on a plat recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, in Plat Book 5, page 19, which plat is incorporated herein by reference thereto for descriptive and all other purposes. Said lots having combined frontage on the Westerly side of First Street of 142.50 feet, and an Easterly depth of 150 feet, and being bound on the North by Clay Street; on the East by Lots 1 and 2, Block "A"; on the South by Lot 11, Block "A"; and on the West by First Street. SUBJECT HOWEVER, to that certain Easement to Georgia Power Company dated April 30, 1992, and of record in Deed Book 558, at Page 283, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia. TRACT THREE: All those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the 17th G.M. District of Liberty County, Georgia and being in the City of Hinesville, being known and designated as Lots No. 1, 2, and 3, Block "A" Sikes Subdivision as shown and represented on that certain plat of survey made and prepared by Earl F. Floyd, Georgia Registered Land Surveyor no. 1349, dated May 15, 1984, and recorded in Plat Book 22, page 76, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, said plat by specific reference is made a part hereof for descriptive and all other purposes. Said lots, as a whole, being bounded, now or formerly, as follows: Northerly by the right of way of Clay Street; Easterly by the right of way of South Main Street; Southerly by Lot No. 4; and Westerly by Lots Nos. 11, 10, and 9, all as shown on the above referred to plat of survey. SUBJECT HOWEVER, to those certain Restrictive Covenants as contained in that certain Warranty Deed from P.H. Sikes and W.F. Mills to Dr. Ben Williams dated May 31, 1954, and recorded in Deed Book AA2, pages 307-308, and that certain Warranty Deed from Paul H. Sikes and W.F. Mills dated March 1956, and recorded in Deed Book 83, Pages 247-248, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County. Georgia. Tracts One, Two and Three set out above are those same properties received by Jonathan Richardson from RM Ray Developers, LLC, by Warranty Deed dated December 31, 2012, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, in Deed Book 1756, Page 67. TRACT FOUR: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Hinesville, Liberty County, Georgia, and being Unit Seven (7), Building "C", Phase 3, TUPELO WOODS CONDOMINIUMS, being further described and identified according to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Tupelo Woods Condominiums Association, Inc., recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, in Deed Book 241, Pages 171-235, and as amended by amendment dated April 29, 1982, and recorded in Deed Book 250, Pages 285-288, and as amended by amendment dated April 29, 1982, and recorded in Deed Book 250, Pages 289-290, and on that certain condominium plat recorded in Condominium Plat Book 1, Page 31, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, together with (a) all of the appurtenances thereunto belonging according to said Declaration and to said plats, and (b) an undivided 3.57% interest in and to the common areas and facilities appurtenant to said Unit. Said property is the same as that received by Jonathan Richardson from Ludowici Bank, a branch of Glennville Bank, by Warranty Deed dated December 31, 2012, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, in Deed Book 1756, Page 65. The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has become in default as to principal and interest because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed and the whole amount of said indebtedness is declared to be in default and immediately due and payable, and the above-described property will be sold for the purpose of enforcing payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt. A deed will be executed to the purchaser at said sale conveying title as authorized in said Deed to Secure Debt. The proceeds of said sale will first be applied to the payment of the indebtedness to Glennville Bank, other charges and the expenses of sale as provided in said Deed to Secure Debt including attorney's fees (notice of intent to collect attorney's fees having been given) and the excess, if any, as provided by law. Said sale and the deed made to the purchaser at said sale will be subject to any outstanding unpaid ad valorem taxes on said property (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Jonathan Richardson, or a tenant or tenants. GLENNVILLE BANK As Agent and Attorney in Fact for Jonathan Richardson HUGH J. McCULLOUGH, P.C. P.O. BOX 39 GLENNVILLE, GA 30427 41635 9/7,14,21,28