The Newnan Times-Herald 

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The Newnan Times-Herald

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sale under power

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Notice Publish Date:
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Notice Content

CLASS:007 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, COWETA COUNTY By virtue of a Power of Sale contained in the Purchase Money Deed to Secure Debt from Michele R. Caine to Harry N. Flowers, dated March 2, 2015, filed and recorded March 9, 2015 in Deed Book 4188, Page 812, Coweta County, Georgia Records (the "Deed to Secure Debt") given to secure payment of a promissory note from Michele R. Caine to Harry N. Flowers dated March 2, 2015, in the original principal amount of $40,000.00 (the "Promissory Note"), there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Coweta County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in September, 2016, the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND BEING IN LOT NO. 1 IN BLOCK F OF THE L.R. RAY ESTATE SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA, COWETA COUNTY, ALL AS SHOWN BY PLAT OF THE L.R. RAY ESTATE SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN DEED BOOK 37, PAGE 564, COWETA COUNTY RECORDS; REFERENCE TO SAID PLAT IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY. SAID LOT FRONTS 60 FEET ON THE EAST SIDE OF RAY STREET AND RUNS BACK ON THE NORTH LINE 100 FEET. THE SOUTH LINE RUNS BACK 98 FEET AND THE REAR (EAST LINE) IS 60 FEET. THIS BEING THE SAME PROPERTY DEEDED TO MARIE WRIGHT, GRANTOR, BY MRS. L.R. RAY BY DEED OF RECORD IN DEED BOOK 36, PAGE 221, COWETA COUNTY RECORDS. THE AFOREDESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY IS ALSO KNOWN AS 38 ½ RAY STREET, NEWNAN, GEORGIA, ACCORDING TO THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUMBERING HOUSES IN COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA. The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and hereby is declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Promissory Note and Deed to Secure Debt in accordance with the terms and conditions of said Deed to Secure Debt. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Deed to Secure Debt and by law, including attorney's fees, notice of intent to collect attorney's fees having been given and the remainder, if any, shall be applied as provided by law. The property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the Property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants and matters of record superior to the Deed to Secure Debt first set out above. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief, the parties in possession of the property are Michele R. Caine or a tenant or tenants. This sale will be conducted subject to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S.Bankruptcy Code. ESTATE OF HARRY N. FLOWERS As Attorney in Fact for Michele R. Caine Lender Contact: William P. Walker, Jr., Executor, Estate of Harry N. Flowers, 4390 East Brandon Drive, Marietta, Georgia 30066 Telephone Number: 770-315-3705 Attorney Contact: William P. Walker, Jr., Attorney at Law P.O. Box 669592, Marietta, GA 30066 Telephone Number: 770-315-3705 THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. No.65274-8-11-18-25&9-1