Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Notice Content
Notice is hereby given that the city of Swainsboro has levied upon the following property of Katheryn Boston to satisfy city taxes owing to the said city for the year(s) of: 2012, 2014, & 2015 in the initial tax amount a $412.60. Amount does not include cost and interest. This can only be calculated when tax is satisfied.
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Swainsboro, 53rd G.M. District, Emanuel County, Georgia and in that part of said city known as Monte Sano and bounded and described as follows: Fronting 60 feet on Jackson Street and running in a generally westerly direction a distance of 93 feet and bounded on the North by other lands of D.D. Boston; East by said Jackson Street; South by B.M. Ehrlich; West by lands of Semmie C. Habersham, etc. and being the eastern half of land conveyed to Richard Habersham from Semmie C. Habersham by deed recorded in Deed Book EG, Page 406 in the Office of the Clerk, Superior Court, Emanuel County, Georgia. S37048A
Said property will be sold before the courthouse doors in Emanuel County. Georgia on the first Tuesday in September 2016. between the legal hours of sale in order to satisfy said tax
this 5th day of August 2016.
Administrator, City of Swainsboro