The Moultrie Observer 

Publication Name:
The Moultrie Observer

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Moultrie, GA

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foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Notice Content

SALE UNDER POWER IN SECURITY DEED GEORGIA, COLQUITT COUNTY WHEREAS, on November 12, 2015, JARROD GLYNN BENNETT and KELLY NICOLE BENNETT did execute and deliver to SANDRA DAWN DONNELLAN and JOHN JOSEPH DONNELLAN a certain Security Deed conveying certain property; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned Security Deed conveyed the following described property, to-wit: That certain house and lot on which same is located in the town or village of Hartsfield, the lot being four acres, more or less, in Land Lot Number 229, 8th Land District of Colquitt County, Georgia, bounded on the North by Hartsfield & Pelham public road; East by lands of J.C. Killebrew and J. F. Spivey; South and West by lands of J.H. Green estate (description as at time when said property was owned and occupied by Boyd Vick in February 1929). Land herein conveyed is that formerly known as Boyd Vick home place and was deeded to Moultrie Banking Co. by foreclosure deed recorded in Deed Book 83, Page 29, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior of Colquitt County, Georgia and by Sheriffs Tax Deed recorded in Deed Book 72, Page 140, said Clerks Office, and being the same property deeded to Mrs. Nora Lee Luke by Moultrie Banking Company on October 17, 1934, by deed recorded in Deed Book 92, Page 69, said Clerks Office. WHEREAS, such said Security Deed was recorded in Deed Book 1251, Page 251, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Colquitt County, Georgia; and WHEREAS, such said Security Deed provides that in the event of failure to pay the indebtedness so secured, or any part thereof when due, the Grantee may sell the said property at auction at the usual place for conducting sales, at the courthouse in the County where the land lies to the highest bidder for cash after first giving four weeks' notice in a newspaper published in said county, Grantee or assigns empowered to bid and purchase at such sale, and to execute and deliver to the purchaser at such sale, a sufficient conveyance of said premises in fee simple. NOW THEREFORE, default having been made upon the note secured by said deed, the undersigned holder of said note and deed, having declared the entire debt due and collectible, will expose said described property for sale before the Courthouse door in Colquitt County, Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash on the First Tuesday in July, 2016, during the legal hours of sale and execute title to the purchaser at such sale, all in accordance with the terms of said deed.Sandra Dawn Donnellan and John Joseph Donnellan,As Attorney-in-Fact forJarrod Glynn Bennett and Kelly Nicole Bennett FALLIN & McINTOSH, PCP.O. Box 250Moultrie, GA 31776229/ 985-5881 001024466/9,15,22,29/16