The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Publication City and State:
Hinesville, GA

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Notice Content

gpn14 HS Foreclosures NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF RIGHT TO REDEEM Take notice that: The right to redeem the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 15th G.M. District, County of Liberty, and state of Georgia and containing 1/2 acres, more or less and bounded as follows to-wit: North by Old Darien and Savannah Public Road; South by lands of charlie Lawson; on East by lands of Ethen Richardson and on the West by lands of Louis A. Hamilton. The tax deed to which this notice relates is dated the 1st day of April 2016, and is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, in Deed Book 124, at page 403. Further described as Map & Parcelcel191D020. The property may be redeemed at any time before the 1st day of June 2016, by payment of the redemption price as fixed and provided by law to the undersigned at the following address: Tommy Houston 3817 E.B. Cooper Hwy Riceboro, Ga. 31323 Please be governed accordingly 40977 5/8,15,22,29