The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Hinesville, GA

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foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Sunday, May 01, 2016

Notice Content

gpn14 HS Foreclosures STATE OF GEORGIA LIBERTY COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER By virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt from Michael F.P. Maloney and Charles W. Coker, Jr. to The Heritage Bank dated August 22, 2008, recorded in Deed Book 1553, Pages 51-60. Said Deed to Secure Debt having been given to secure (1) a Note dated November 12, 2010, in the original principal sum of SIX MILLION NINE HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY THREE and 74/100'ths DOLLARS ($6,902,293.74), with interest from said dates at the rate stated in said Notes on the unpaid balance until paid, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door at Liberty County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2016 the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, non-payment of the monthly installments on said loan. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, including attorney's fees. The individual or entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Sherrie Struble, 300 S. Main Street, Hinesville, Georgia, (912) 408-6310. Please understand that the secured creditor is not required to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. Said property will be sold as the property Coma Holdings, LLC, subject to the outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assessments, if any, and all easements and restrictions of record, if any, having priority over this Deed to Secure Debt. Andrew S. Johnson Attorney-in-Fact for Michael F.P. Maloney and Charles W. Coker, Jr. 300 S. Main Street, Hinesville, Georgia 31313 Exhibit A (1) WETLANDS WITHIN PARCELS E & G Those certain tract(s), parcel(s), or area(s) of land designated as Wetlands and being: Parcel W30, containing 50.34 acres, more or less; Parcel W31, containing 3.31 acres, more or less; Parcel W38, containing 0.25 acres, more or less,: Parcel W70, containing 4.05 acres, more or less; and parcel W72, containing 1.82 acres, more or less, as shown on a boundary survey of Parcel E&G being a portion of the Independence tract #1, 1756th G.M. District, Liberty County, Georgia. Survey dated July 21, 2008 prepared for Horse Creek Partners, LLC, prepared by Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Chad W. Carpenter GA RLS # 2979 and recorded in Plat Section 0-72, Page 2AB - 3AB in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia; provided that no other wetlands except those wetlands contained within tract(s) or parcel(s) of land identified as Parcels E & G on said plat of survey are conveyed by this instrument. (2) WETLANDS WITHIN TRACT F1-A1 Those certain tract(s), parcel(s), or area(s) of land designated as Wetlands and being: Parcel W-7, containing 5.81 acres, more or less, as shown on a subdivision plat of A Portion of Tract #2, being a portion of the Independence Tract, 1756th G.M. District, Liberty County, Georgia. Plat dated January 30, 2008, prepared by Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Chad W.. Carpenter GA RLS # 2979 and recorded in Plat Section O-58 Page 3CD in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia; provided that no other wetlands except those wetlands contained within tract(s) or parcel(s) of land identified as Parcels F1-A1 on said plat of survey are conveyed by this instrument. (3) WETLANDS WITHIN TRACT F1-A2 Those certain tract(s), parcel(s), or area(s) of land designated as Wetlands and being: Parcel W-6, containing 1.49 acres, more or less, as shown on a subdivision plat of A Portion of Tract #2, being a portion of the Independence Tract, 1756th G.M. District, Liberty County, Georgia. Plat dated January 30, 2008, prepared by Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Chad W.. Carpenter GA RLS # 2979 and recorded in Plat Section O-58 Page 3CD in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia; provided that no other wetlands except those wetlands contained within tract(s) or parcel(s) of land identified as Parcels F1-A2 on said plat of survey are conveyed by this instrument. (4) WETLANDS WITHIN PARCEL I-1 Those certain tract(s), parcel(s), or area(s) of land designated as Wetlands and being: Parcel W52, containing 1.62 acres, more or less, and Parcel W53, containing 1.32 acres, more or less, as shown on a Boundary Survey of Parcel I-1 being a portion of the Indepenedence Tract #2, 1756th G.M. District, Liberty County, Georgia. Survey dated June 17, 2008, prepared for Horse Creek Partners, LLC, prepared by Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Chad W. Carpenter GA RLS # 2979 and recorded in Plat Section 0-73, Page 1CD in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia; provided that no other wetlands except those wetlands contained within tract(s) or parcel(s) of land identified as Parcel(s) I-1 on said plat of survey are conveyed by this instrument. (5) WETLANDS WITHIN PARCEL F-2 Those certain tract(s), parcel(s), or area(s) of land designated as Wetlands and being: Parcel W47, containing 2.09 acres, more or less; Parcel W48 containing 1.50 acres, more or less; Parcel W49, containing 6.54 acres, more or less; and Parcel W50 containing 1.03 acres, more or less, as shown on a Boundary Survey of Parcel F-2 being a portion of the Independence Tract #2, 1756th G.M. District, Liberty County, Georgia. Survey dated June 17, 2008, prepared for Horse Creek Partners, LLC, prepared by Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Chad W. Carpenter GA RLS # 2979 and recorded in Plat Section 0-73, Page 1AB in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia; provided that no other wetlands except those wetlands contained within tract(s) or parcel(s) of land identified as Parcel(s)F-2 on said plat of survey are conveyed by this instrument. 40853 4/6,13,20,27