The Moultrie Observer 

Publication Name:
The Moultrie Observer

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Publication City and State:
Moultrie, GA

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Notice Content

gpn20 GEORGIA,COLQUITT COUNTY. SHERIFFS SALE Pursuant to judgment issued by the Superior Court of Colquitt County entered in the case designated as Civil Action No. 2010CV008832 and in favor of Larry Dewitt Barricklow, Rita B. Powell, and Edna Suzette Barricklow (now known as Edna Suzette Barricklow Walt), Plaintiffs, v. Tracy Barricklow and Terry Barricklow, Defendants, and writ of fieri facias recorded in Lien Book 55, Page 795, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Colquitt County, Georgia, the below described property will be sold at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, between the legal hours of sale, being between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., before the east side courthouse door in Moultrie, Colquitt County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April 2016, being April 5, 2016: A five-eighths (5/8) undivided interest in all that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being 17.44 acres, more or less, located in Land Lot 11 in the 8th Land District of Colquitt County, Georgia, being more particularly described as Tract No. 4 (31.06 acres) shown on a plat of survey dated June 14, 1990, prepared by Hurley J. Griffin, R. S., recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 141, Colquitt County land records, LESS AND EXCEPT FROM TRACT NO. 4: 13.62 acres, more or less, as shown on a plat of survey, prepared by Larry W. Grogan, RS, dated March 16, 2013, and recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 108B, Colquitt County records, which said plats (Plat Book 24, Page 141, and Plat Book 43, Page 108B) are incorporated herein as a part of this description. The property herein described is also known as parcel C26/014 (14.86 acres) and parcel C26/014A (2.58 acres) according to the present system of property parcel designation in the Colquitt County Tax Assessors office. Said property having been found to be in the possession of Tracy Barricklow and Terry Barricklow, and levied upon as property of the Defendants in fi.fa. Notice of the levy and sale has been given the Defendants Tracy Barricklow and Terry Barricklow. This the 25 day of February 2016. Al Whittington Sheriff,Colquitt County, Georgia 000992313/9,16,23,30/16