The Herald-Leader 

Publication Name:
The Herald-Leader

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Publication City and State:
Fitzgerald, GA

Publication County:
Ben Hill

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Notice Content

IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE CITY OF FITZGERALD, GEORGIA THE CITY OF FITZGERALD, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL WALTER OWENS, Defendant(s). FILE NO. N2016-03-02 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TO: Michael Walter Owens, defendant, and all other persons owning or in possession of or claiming any interest in or right, title, claim or de- mand against the hereinafter described Property, and all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having an interest in or a claim to the Property: Notice is hereby given that a complaint in rem was filed by the City of Fitzgerald (the “City”) against Michael Walter Owens, Defendant, on the 14th day of March, 2016, in the Municipal Court of the City of Fitzgerald, Georgia. Said complaint is available for inspection and copying in the office of Gary Ussery, Clerk of the Municipal Court for the City of Fitzgerald, 255 Appomattox Road, Fitzgerald, GA 31750, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In said suit the City seeks relief (consisting of the abatement of certain alleged nuisances) against certain real property that is more particularly described as follows: That certain real property acquired by Standard Oil Company, a Kentucky corporation, by deed dated May 7, 1927, recorded in Book 34, Folio 90, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ben Hill County, Georgia, and in such deed more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of Sultana Drive in the City of Fitzgerald, where same is crossed by the West line of the Dixie Highway as surveyed by the State Highway Board of Georgia and as described in the deed from S.P. Dickens to the State Highway Board of Georgia by deed recorded in Book 33, Page 1 of the Ben Hill County, Georgia Deed Records and from this starting point running West along the North line of said Sultana Drive a distance of Seventy Five (75) feet, thence North a distance of One Hundred (100) feet, thence East to the West line of said right of way of the Dixie Highway above described, thence along the West line of said Dixie Highway right of way in a Southwesterly direction to starting point. LESS AND EXCEPT the Easterly five (5) feet conveyed to the State Highway Department of Georgia by deed dated December 16, 1958. Being the same property purchased by G.D. Whitley from Chevron U.S.A., Inc., a California Corporation, by deed dated November 9, 1977, and recorded in Deed Book 150, Page 178-179, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ben Hill County, Georgia. The abatement of nuisances may include the repair, alteration or demolition of dwellings, buildings, and other structures, and the imposition of a lien against the said property for the cost of repair, alteration, and/or demolition, including all court costs, appraisal fees, administrative costs incurred by the City in connection with this suit and all other costs necessarily associated with the abatement action, including restoration to grade of the real property after demolition. The address, if any, of said property is 900 N. Grant St., Fitzgerald, GA 31750. The official tax map reference for said property is 12 3 16. You are hereby summoned and required to appear at a hearing to be held by this Court with respect to the foregoing complaint at the Ben Hill County Probate Court, 111 S. Sheridan St., Fitzgerald, GA 31750, on the 12th day of April, 2016, at 10 o'clock, a.m., to show cause, if any there may be, why the relief prayed for in the above mentioned complaint should not be granted. You are further summoned and required to file with the Clerk of said Court and serve upon the Plaintiff's attorney, Kyle C. Cook, Jay, Sherrell, Smith, Braddy & Cook, P.C., P.O. Box 308, 101 East Pine Street, Fitzgerald, GA 31750, an answer to the foregoing complaint. Such answer must be filed prior at or prior to the commencement of said hearing. If you fail to do so, judgment may be taken against said property and you for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 14th day of March, 2016. Gary Ussery, Clerk of Municipal Court (3/30,4/6)