The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Publication City and State:
Hinesville, GA

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foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Notice Content

gpn14 BC Foreclosures STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF BRYAN By virtue of the appointment of David Guggenheim as sole trustee by Galin Mortgage Lending, LLC, under powers contained in that Deed to Secure Debt made by Paul Harris and Sarah Harris to Galin Mortgage Lending, LLC, dated 6/26/2008 recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Bryan County, Georgia in Deed Record Book 809, Page 0524, default having been made as to the covenants contained therein, There will be sold before the Courthouse, said County, on the first Tuesday in April, being April 5, 2016, during legal hours of sale, to highest and best bidder for cash, the property known as All that certain lot of land designated as Lot Number Five (5) upon a map or survey plat of a subdivision situated, located and being in the 19th G.M. District of Bryan County, Georgia, measuring 102 feet upon the North side; 181 feet upon the east side; 100 feet upon the South side; and 165 feet upon the West side; said survey plat being recorded in Plat Book F, Page 66, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State and County aforesaid, reference being made to same for further particulars as to identify, said Lot Number Five (5) being bounded thusly; North by lands of Burt Ussery; East by Lot Number Six (6), of said Subdivision Plat; South by an unnamed street being 24 feet in width; and West by Lot Number Four (4) of said Subdivision Plat. Property Address is 109 Bill Brown Road, Pembroke, GA 31321, Property Identification Number is 0151 041, reference being made to said Deed to Secure Debt for a more complete description of said property. The above named lender is the entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, or modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor. Terms cash, purchaser paying for title, transfer, and all ad valorem taxes due. David Guggenheim as Trustee for Galin Mortgage Lending, LLC as attorney in fact for Paul Harris and Sarah Harris. 8994 3/3,10,17,24