The News Observer 

Publication Name:
The News Observer

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Publication City and State:
Blue Ridge, GA

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Notice Content

Take notice that:
The right to redeem the following described property, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 8th District and 2nd Section of Fannin County, Georgia, being Town Lot No. 4; fronting 50 feet on north end and running South 75 feet to the W. D. Hawkins addition, laid off by McCays and Hawkins. Also, No. 2 on north end of No. 4, fronting 50 feet on north end 35 feet added on north end 50 x 35 feet. For a more complete description of said property refer to a deed made from T. L. Largent to James and Oaen Baldridge in December 1905. (Less the following described property which has been sold off of above described property). Being a part of Town Lot No. 4, beginning at the George Grizzle corner and running up the ditch to hedge bush; thence East to an iron stake; thence South 10 feet to the road; thence down the road to the Grizzle corner; thence with the Grizzle line to the beginning point. The last described parcel being sold off of the first above described property. This deed of conveyance also includes a portion of the following described property lying and being in the 8th District and 2nd Section of Fannin County, Georgia, and being a part of Land Lot No. 6 located in the Hawkinstown section of the City of McCaysville, Georgia, being (7) seven acres, more or less. Lines as follows: beginning at a gulley on the road and running a Northeast direction with said road to John Gibbs line; thence with the Gibbs line to the Georgia and Tennessee state line; thence West with said state line to an old road; thence down the hill with said road to a shade tree at Lydia McDonald's corner; thence back a Northeast direction and on around Lydia McDonald's property to Cearley's property and line; thence a Northeast direction with Cearley's line to corner on gulley; thence down the hill an East direction with said gulley to the road, the beginning point, said gulley being the line between said property and Wesley Cearley's property. And being the same property conveyed by Warranty Deed dated June 7, 1947, from Mrs. W. P. Towery to Jack Towery, which is recorded in Book 20, page 170, Clerk's Office, Superior Court, Fannin County, Georgia. As described in Deed Book 55, page 483. Further described as Map & Parcel MC04005.
will expire and be forever foreclosed and barred on and after the 5th day of January, 2016. The tax deed to which this notice relates is dated the 7th day of October, 2014, and was recorded on November 14, 2014, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Fannin County, Georgia, in Deed Book 1109, at pages 759-760. The property may be redeemed at any time before the 5th day of January, 2016, by payment of the redemption price as fixed and provided by law to the undersigned at the following address: Angela Stewart DeLorme, Attorney for Purchaser Rolling Thunder River Company of Fannin County, 730 East 2nd Street, Suite 101, Blue Ridge, Georgia, 30513.
Please be governed accordingly.
Rolling Thunder River Company of Fannin County as Attorney-in-fact for Denson L. Wright.
Angela Stewart DeLorme, P.C.
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 1549
Blue Ridge, Georgia 30513
(706) 632-0444
Dec. 9-30