The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Hinesville, GA

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Notice Publish Date:
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Notice Content

gpn14 HS Foreclosures COLE, BILL, JR. AND RENE STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF LIBERTY STEVE SIKES, LIBERTY COUNTY SHERIFF Official Public Notice of Tax Sale in Accordance with O.C.G.A SS 48-4-75 through SS48-4-81. Under and by virtue of that certain Liberty County Tax Fi. Fa. recorded at Lien Book 0083, Page 0441 in the records of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia on December 18, 2013 and assigned to Joseph Giles, III on August 8, 2014 and re- recorded in aforesaid records at Lien Book 0086, Page 0712 on August 8, 2014, the following property will be sold at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Liberty County, Georgia on Tuesday, January 5, 2015, between the legal hours of sale (10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.): All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 15th Georgia Militia District, Liberty County, Georgia, known and designated as Lot No. 25, Hampton Island, Phase II, and being more particularly shown as described upon that certain plat of survey dated September 30, 2003 prepared by Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co., certified by Boyce L. Young, Georgia Registered Land Surveyor No. 2282, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Liberty County, Georgia, in Plat Slide N-36, Page 2 C & D, which plat is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference thereto. This being the same property conveyed by deed from Hampton Island Preservation, L.L.C., a Georgia Limited Liability Company, E. Wade Shealy, Jr., Charles D. Cary, Wayne Lyle and William H. Foley to William J. Cole, Jr., dated February 25, 2004, and recorded in Deed Book 1224, page 588, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Liberty County, Georgia. Said property is the property of Bill Cole, Jr. and Rene Cole, as Trustees under the Revocable Living Trust Agreement of Bill Cole, Jr. dated April 29, 2004 and Rene Cole and Bill Cole, Jr., as Trustees under the Revocable Living Trust Agreement of Rene Cole, dated April 29, 2004 and is believed to be in the possession of them or tenant(s). Said property is being sold for taxes due for tax years 2009 - 2014, which consist of $23,359.72 principal tax and $3,723.55 interest, for a total delinquency currently being due of $27,083.27 plus advertising costs, attorney's fees and other costs and amounts allowable by law. Payment terms shall be Cash, Cashier's Check or Money Order. No sale is complete or final until the entire bid amount is paid to the Sheriff's Department Office. *** Any properties that are "no bids" or any properties that remain unpaid by the bidder as of 2:00 P.M. the day of the foreclosure sale will be re-cried at 2:30 P.M. the same day and if necessary, continuing the next day, Wednesday between the legal hours of sale, beginning at 10:00 A.M. AND ENDING AT 4:00 P.M. unless prior arrangements are agreed upon with the Sheriff's Department *** For further information, contact Kelly Davis, Esq., JONES OSTEEN & JONES, 206. E. Court Street, Hinesville, Georgia 31313, (912) 876-0111. 40401 12/9,16,23,30