The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Publication City and State:
Hinesville, GA

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Notice Publish Date:
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Notice Content

gpn14 BC Miscellaneous AMENDED NOTICE OF BAR OF REDEMPTION TO: MCALLISTER POINT DEVELOPMENT, LLC.; RL REGI GEORGIA, LLC., Creditor; REGIONS BANK, Creditor ; STERLING BLUFF INVESTORS, LLC., Creditor; OCCUPANT and to the Heirs at Law, Legatees, Executors, Devisees, Administrators, Legal Representatives, Successors, Assigns, Officers, Stockholders, Trustees and Assignees of each and every one of the above named persons, firms, and/or corporations above named. Take notice that the right to redeem the following described property, to wit: A ll and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 0548 023 located in the Georgia Militia District No. 20, Bryan County, Georgia and being known and designated as Lot MC23, Phase Three-b (3b), on that certain subdivision plat, prepared by Vincent Helmy, entitled "First Amendment to a Subdivision Plat of Phase 3b, McAllister Point, a section of The Ford Plantation, Richmond Hill, Georgia" , which was recorded on June 22, 2000 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Bryan County, Georgia in Plat Book 490, Pages 8, 9, and 10, and which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference. This being the same parcel conveyed to McAllister Point Development LLC, in Deed Book 921, Page 536 and known as 955 McAllister Landing. will be forever foreclosed and barred on and after the 25th day of January, 2016. The tax deed to which this notice relates is as follows: Debbie M. Newman as Tax Commissioner and Ex Officio Sheriff of Bryan County, to Frank Hines and Irene Hines dated August 7, 2012 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Bryan County, Georgia, Book of Deeds 1066, Page 0547. Said property may be redeem by anyone having the right to do so at any time before January 25, 2016, by payment of the redemption price as fixed and provided by law to the undersigned at the following address: Charles W. Bell & Associates, P.C., 511 East York Street, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. (On behalf of Frank and Irene Hines) This 4th day of December, 2015. CHARLES W. BELL, Attorney for Frank and Irene Hines Charles W. Bell & Associates P.O. Box 9702 Savannah, GA 31412 Phone: (912) 234-0611 8888 12/10,17,24,31