The Dodge County News 

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The Dodge County News

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Eastman, GA

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, December 09, 2015

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gpn 11 NO-TICE OF SALE UN-DER POW-ER GEOR-GIA, DODGE COUN-TY On Oc-tob-er 18, 1993, RON-ALD GLENN MUL-LIS AND KATHY J. MUL-LIS de-liv-ered to BANK OF EAST-MAN a cer-tain se-cur-i-ty deed con-tain-ing pow-er of sale in or-der to se-cure in-debt-ed-ness there-in re-cit-ed in the prin-ci-pal amount of $22,597.17, as shown by the record of same in Deed Book 236, Pag-es 779-780, of the Pub-lic Records of Dodge Coun-ty Geor-gia, con-vey-ing the fol-low-ing prop-er-ty, to wit: THE CITY OF EAST-MAN, DODGE COUN-TY, GEOR-GIA, BE-GIN-NING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH-EAST-ERN RIGHT-OF-WAY MAR-GIN OF THE WPA ROAD (WARD STREET), 80 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY, SAID POINT BE-ING LO-CAT-ED A DIS-TANCE OF 545.0 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MAR-GIN FROM ITS IN-TER-SEC-TION WITH JAMES AVE-NUE A/K/A OLD EAST-MAN-DU-BLIN ROAD. FROM SAID POINT OF BE-GIN-NING, THENCE NORTH 08 DE-GREES 19 MINUTES EAST A DIS-TANCE OF 54.4 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 85 DE-GREES 58 MINUTES EAST A DIS-TANCE OF 103.9 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE SOUTH 08 DE-GREES 29 MINUTES WEST A DIS-TANCE OF 110.95 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SAID NORTH-EAST-ERN RIGHT-OF-WAY MAR-GIN OF THE WPA ROAD; THENCE NORTH 62 DE-GREES 58 MINUTES WEST A DIS-TANCE OF 106.99 FEET BACK TO THE PLACE OR POINT OF BE-GIN-NING. SAID PROP-ER-TY IS A POR-TION OF THAT CON-VEYED BY WAR-RAN-TY DEED FROM JONES & YAWN AGEN-CY, INC. TO RUBY LEE MCJUMP DAT-ED JUNE 23, 2980 AND RECORD-ED IN DEED BOOK 154, PAGE 430, DODGE COUN-TY RECORDS. This se-cur-i-ty deed was ex-e-cut-ed to se-cure a debt ev-i-denced by a note, and the amount and terms and con-di-tions of the debt are shown in the se-cur-i-ty deed. The debt se-cured by this se-cur-i-ty deed has been and is here-by de-clared due be-cause of, among pos-si-ble ev-ents of de-fault, the trans-fer of prop-er-ty with-out the cons-ent of the lender, fai-lure to main-tain in-surance on the prop-er-ty and non-pay-ment of the month-ly in-stall-ments of said loan. THERE-FORE, ac-cord-ing to the terms of this se-cur-i-ty deed and the ap-pli-ca-ble law, the un-der-signed will, af-ter prop-er ad-ver-tise-ment, sell the above de-scribed prop-er-ty to the high-est bid-der, for cash, on Tues-day, Janu-ary 5, 2016, dur-ing the le-gal hours of sale be-fore the Court-house door in Dodge Coun-ty, Geor-gia. This prop-er-ty will be sold as the prop-er-ty of RON-ALD GLENN MUL-LIS AND KATHY J. MUL-LIS and the sale will be sub-ject to the fol-low-ing: Any out-stand-ing ad valor-em tax-es (in-clud-ing tax-es which are liens, wheth-er or not due and pay-able), any mat-ters which might be dis-closed by an ac-cu-rate sur-vey and in-spec-tion of the prop-er-ty, any as-sess-ments, liens, en-cum-branc-es, zon-ing or-di-nanc-es, re-stric-tions, cov-en-ants, and mat-ters of record su-pe-ri-or to the se-cur-i-ty deed first set out above. The pro-ceeds of the sale will be used first to the pay-ment of the debt to the un-der-signed, in-clud-ing prin-ci-pal, in-ter-est, at-tor-neys fees and ex-pens-es, and the bal-ance, if any, will be dis-trib-ut-ed as pro-vid-ed by law. BANK OF EAST-MAN as loan serv-ic-er is the only ent-i-ty with the au-thor-i-ty to ne-go-tiate, amend and mod-i-fy the terms of the Note and Se-cur-i-ty Deed. BANK OF EAST-MANS AD-DRESS IS 2451 N. COL-UM-BIA STREET, MIL-LEDGE-VILLE, GEOR-GIA 31061. BANK OF EAST-MAN and may be con-tact-ed by tel-e-phone at (478) 453-2265, ex-ten-sion 414. To the best knowl-edge and be-lief of the un-der-signed, the prop-er-ty is now in the pos-ses-sion of the RON-ALD GLENN MUL-LIS AND KATHY J. MUL-LIS. BANK OF EAST-MAN At-tor-ney in fact for RON-ALD GLENN MUL-LIS AND KATHY J. MUL-LIS KIR-BY R. MOORE At-tor-ney at Law 961 Wal-nut Street Mac-on, GA 31201 (478) 743-7026 12/9, 12/16, 12/23, and 12/30, 2015