The Moultrie Observer 

Publication Name:
The Moultrie Observer

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Moultrie, GA

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foreclosure foreclosures

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Notice Content

gpn11 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE GEORGIA, COLQUITT COUNTY By virtue of Power of Sale contained in the original Security Deed to RAY G. WILLIAMS SR. from SCOTTY D. BARNES AND STACEY L. BARNES, dated February 19, 2013, recorded March 27, 2013 in Deed Book 1167, Page 0145-0150, Colquitt County Records. Said Security Deed being given to secure a Note of even date in the original principal amount of $40,000.00, with interest from date at the rate provided in the note on the unpaid balance until paid; there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door at Colquitt County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 2016, the following described property: Lot 13 of Lane Road Subdivision a Residential Subdivision situate in Land Lot 529 in the 9th Land District of Colquitt County, Georgia, 3.23 acres according to a plat of said Subdivision made by Dan Hinson, Land Surveyor on December 15, 2005, recorded in Plat Book 39, Page 89B, Colquitt County Records which said plat and the record thereof are by reference incorporated and herein and expressly made a part hereof. This deed made subject to the covenants and restrictions governing the use of land in Lane Subdivision dated January 12, 2006, and recorded in Deed Book 900, Page 402, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Colquitt County, Georgia. Said covenants include but are not limited to the following restrictions: 1) No dwelling or other building or structure shall be constructed or located within 50 feet from the margin of the right of way of Lane Road (the front lot line), or within 10 feet from either side or rear lot line; 2) Only one single family residence or dwelling shall be located or constructed on per each one acre lot. 3) All dwellings must be placed upon a permanent foundation, or underpinned in the case of a double wide or single wide mobile home. 4) An easement of 10 feet along the inside of all front, side, and rear lot lines shall be reserved for the purpose of ingress and egress over, along, under, and through for purpose of utilities, installation, repair and maintenance. 5) No junk automobiles, junk or trash piles of any kind shall be allowed. Also conveyed herewith is (1) 2000 General Manufactured Home 16 x 76 Bearing Serial # GMHGA2489925905 The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of non-payment on said loan. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, including attorney's fees. Said property will be sold as the property of SCOTTY D. BARNES AND STACEY L. BARNES, subject to the outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assessments, if any, and subject to any prior matters of record, if any. The physical address of the property to be sold is: 480 Lane Road, Moultrie, GA 31768 The name, address, and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is Stephen Williams , 800 1st ST. S.E. , Moultrie, Ga 31776; 229-392-5941. Jeanette Williams, as executor under the Last Will and Testament of Ray G. Williams Sr., as Attorney in fact for SCOTTY D. BARNES AND STACEY L. BARNESJames M. Bivins, IIState Bar No. 059250P.O. Box 2497Moultrie, GA 31776;(229) 985-7953 This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information gained will be used for such purposes. 0009646312/9,16,23,30/15