The Dodge County News 

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The Dodge County News

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Eastman, GA

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

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gpn 11 NO-TICE OF SALE UN-DER POW-ER GEOR-GIA, DODGE COUN-TY THIS IS AN AT-TEMPT TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANY IN-FOR-MA-TION OB-TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR-POSE. Un-der and by vir-tue of the Pow-er of Sale con-tained in a Se-cur-i-ty Deed given by JA-NET L DU-PREE AND EL-LEN E PAYNE TO U.S. BANK, N.A., dat-ed Au-gust 17, 2010, record-ed in Deed Book 663, Page 88, Dodge Coun-ty, Geor-gia Records, con-vey-ing the af-ter-de-scribed prop-er-ty to se-cure a Note in the origi-nal prin-ci-pal amount of SEV-EN-TY-SEV-EN THOU-SAND FOUR HUNDRED SEV-EN-TY AND 48/100 DOL-LARS ($77,470.48), with in-ter-est there-on as set forth there-in, there will be sold at pub-lic out-cry to the high-est bid-der for cash be-fore the court-house door of Dodge Coun-ty, Geor-gia, or at such place as may be law-ful-ly des-ig-nat-ed as an al-ter-na-tive, with-in the le-gal hours of sale on the first Tues-day in De-cem-ber, 2015, the fol-low-ing de-scribed prop-er-ty: SEE EX-HIB-IT A AT-TACHED HERE-TO AND MADE A PART HERE-OF The debt se-cured by said Se-cur-i-ty Deed has been and is here-by de-clared due be-cause of, among oth-er pos-si-ble ev-ents of de-fault, fai-lure to pay the in-debt-ed-ness as and when due and in the man-ner pro-vid-ed in the Note and Se-cur-i-ty Deed. The debt re-main-ing in de-fault, this sale will be made for the pur-pose of pay-ing the same and all ex-pens-es of this sale, as pro-vid-ed in Se-cur-i-ty Deed and by law, in-clud-ing at-tor-neys fees (no-tice of int-ent to col-lect at-tor-neys fees hav-ing been given). Said prop-er-ty will be sold sub-ject to any out-stand-ing ad valor-em tax-es (in-clud-ing tax-es which are a lien, but not yet due and pay-able), any mat-ters which might be dis-closed by an ac-cu-rate sur-vey and in-spec-tion of the prop-er-ty, any as-sess-ments, liens, en-cum-branc-es, zon-ing or-di-nanc-es, re-stric-tions, cov-en-ants, and mat-ters of record su-pe-ri-or to the Se-cur-i-ty Deed first set out above. U.S. BANK NA-TION-AL AS-SO-CIA-TION is the hold-er of the Se-cur-i-ty Deed to the prop-er-ty in ac-cor-dance with OCGA 44-14-162.2. The ent-i-ty that has full au-thor-i-ty to ne-go-tiate, amend, and mod-i-fy all terms of the mort-gage with the debtor is: U.S. BANK NA-TION-AL AS-SO-CIA-TION, 4801 Fred-er-i-ca Street, Owens-boro, KY 42301 855-698-7627. To the best knowl-edge and be-lief of the un-der-signed, the par-ty in pos-ses-sion of the prop-er-ty is JA-NET L DU-PREE AND EL-LEN E PAYNE or a ten-ant or ten-ants and said prop-er-ty is more com-mon-ly known as 6044 N ST, EAST-MAN, GEOR-GIA 31023. The sale will be con-duct-ed sub-ject (1) to con-fir-ma-tion that the sale is not pro-hibi-ted un-der the U.S. Bank-rupt-cy Code and (2) to fin-al con-fir-ma-tion and au-dit of the sta-tus of the loan with the hold-er of the se-cur-i-ty deed. U.S. BANK NA-TION-AL AS-SO-CIA-TION as At-tor-ney in Fact for JA-NET L DU-PREE AND EL-LEN E PAYNE MCCAL-LA RAYM-ER, LLC 1544 Old Ala-ba-ma Road Ros-well, Geor-gia 30076 EX-HIB-IT A ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-CEL OF LAND LY-ING AND BE-ING IN THE CITY OF EAST-MAN, LAND LOT 291, 16TH LAND DIS-TRICT, DODGE COUN-TY, GEOR-GIA, CON-TAIN-ING 1.00 ACR-ES, MORE OR LESS, AND BE-ING MORE PAR-TICU-LAR-LY DE-SCRIBED ON THAT CER-TAIN PLAT OF SUR-VEY PRE-PARED BY SOUTH-ERN SUR-VEY-ING AS-SO-CIATES, DAT-ED JULY 15, 2010, RECORD-ED IN PLAT BOOK 38, PAGE 30, DODGE COUN-TY RECORDS. THE COURS-ES AND DIS-TANC-ES OF SAID PLAT ARE IN-COR-PO-RAT-ED HERE-IN FOR A MORE AC-CU-RATE DE-SCRIP-TION. SAID PROP-ER-TY IS IM-PROVED WITH A 2010 DES-TI-NY MAN-U-FAC-TURED HOME BEAR-ING THE SE-RI-AL NUMBER DISH04346-GAAB, WHICH IS PER-MA-NENT-LY AT-TACHED HERE-TO. MR/spg 12/1/15 Our file no. 5398515 - FT8