Columbia County News-Times 

Publication Name:
Columbia County News-Times

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Evans, GA

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sale under power

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Notice Content

NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY Will be sold Tuesday, December 1, 2015, before the courthouse door in Columbia County, Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, with improvements thereon, lying and being in the State of Georgia, County of Columbia, in the 128th District, G.M., and containing 10.00 acres on the eastern side of Miles Road as shown on a plat thereof recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Columbia County, Georgia in PC D Slide 96, No. 7, reference being made thereto for purposes of a more complete and accurate description as to the metes, bounds and location of said property. Tax Parcel No.: 020 021 This property is known under the present system of numbering as 1211 MILES ROAD, HARLEM, GA 30814. Sale will be made under the power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt dated November 21, 2011 from Robert W. Oliver, III to Capital City Bank to secure a promissory note of even date therewith in the original principal amount of $131,610.64, and all renewals, extensions or modifications thereof, as well as all other existing or future indebtedness of Grantor to Grantee. Said deed appears of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Columbia County, Georgia, in Deed Book 8109, Page 181. Said Deed to Secure Debt was modified by that certain Modification of Security Deed recorded in Deed Book 9690, Page 122, Clerk's Office, Columbia Superior Court. Default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in compliance with other terms and provisions thereof, the power of sale in said deed to secure debt has become operative. A copy of this notice of sale has been given to the debtor as required by O.C.G.A. 44-14-162.2. The proceeds of said sale will be applied as provided in said deed to secure debt. Sale will be made subject to unpaid ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief the party in possession of the property is Robert W. Oliver, III. Please note that Capital City Bank, located at the business address of 1301 Metropolitan Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, is the entity that has the full authority to negotiate, amend, or modify terms of the Deed to Secure Debt. Capital City Bank can be contacted through the following representative: J. Patrick Goff Jones, Cork & Miller, LLP 435 Second Street, Suite 500 SunTrust Bank Building Macon, Georgia 31201 (478) 745-2821 This 26th day of October, 2015. CAPITAL CITY BANK, AS ATTORNEY-IN-FACT FOR ROBERT W. OLIVER, III J. PATRICK GOFF JONES, CORK & MILLER, LLP P. O. Box 6437 Macon, Georgia 31208-6437 (478) 745-2821 Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 Adv. #16755631