The Newnan Times-Herald 

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The Newnan Times-Herald

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Thursday, December 03, 2015

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CLASS:010 NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COWETA COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO.: 15-CV-1213 In Rem Condemnation ATLANTA GAS LIGHT COMPANY (A GAS UTILITY), Plaintiff, v. Proceedings A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE LAND LOT 21, SECOND DISTRICT, COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 21 of the Second Land District of Coweta County, Georgia, and being the property shown on plat of survey by John R. Christopher Registered Surveyor, dated January 26, 1983 and entitled “Survey for Jack M. Reeves”. Said plat is recorded at Plat Book 31, Page 73, Coweta County, Georgia records, reference to which plat is hereby made for a more particular description of the metes and bounds of said property. Said property is more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at a rock found located at the Southeast corner of Land Lot 21 of the Second Land District and from said rock found run thence South 89°09'18” West a distance of 2,941.54 feet to a pipe found; thence run North 0°43'01” West a distance of 2,043.53 feet to a pipe found; thence run South 54°36'32” East a distance of 1,230.19 feet to a pipe found; thence run North 55°20'28” East a distance of 464.09 feet to a pipe found; thence run North 05°36'28” East a distance of 1,278.14 feet to an iron found; thence run North 88°41'58” East a distance of 204.11 feet to an iron found; thence run North 12°50'41” East a distance of 122.95 feet to a point on the North land lot line of said Land Lot 21; thence run North 88°54'39” East along the North land lot line of said Land Lot 21 a distance of 1,175.47 feet to a pipe found; thence continuing along the North land lot line of said Land Lot 21 North 89°10'41” East a distance of 100.18 feet to a pipe found which pipe found is located at the Northeast corner of said Land Lot 21; thence run South 00°58'00” a distance of 765.36 feet to a point; thence run South 78°30'00” West a distance of 396.72 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of a Georgia Power Company easement; thence run South 22°28'00” East a distance of 487.40 feet along the Easterly right-of-way of the Georgia Power Company easement to a point; thence run North 66°32'00” East a distance of 89.17 feet to a point; thence run North 60°07'00” East a distance of 109.10 feet; thence run North 26°45'00” East a distance of 42.90 feet to a point on the East land lot line of said Land Lot 21; thence continue in a Southerly direction along the East land lot line of said Land Lot 21 South 00°58'00” West a distance of 1,784.80 feet to a rock found at the Southeast corner of Land Lot 21 which is the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property contains 154.010 acres according to said plat. LESS AND EXCEPT: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 21 and Land Lot 12 of the Second Land District of Coweta County, Georgia and being further shown as 18.928 acres in land Lot 21, and 3.478 acres in Land Lot 12 as on a plat of survey for City of Newnan, prepared by W. W. Flowers, Jr., dated December 21, 1999 and being of record in Plat Book 70, Page 157, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Coweta County, Georgia. Said property being more particularly described according to said plat as follows: Begin at the intersection of Land Lot 11, Land Lot 12, Land Lot 21 and Land Lot 22 of the Second Land District of Coweta County, Georgia and run thence S 89°10'41” W a distance of 100.18 feet to an iron pin found; thence run S 89°54'40” W a distance of 117.21 feet to an iron pin found; thence run N 47°01'12” W a distance of 494.47 feet to an aluminum pin found; thence run S 00°16'47” W a distance of 137.40 feet to an iron pin set; thence run N 88°56'07” W a distance of 435.90 feet to an iron pin set; thence run S 02°46'31” W a distance of 209.30 feet to an iron pin set; thence run N 89°54'40” E a distance of 113.72 feet to an iron pin set; thence run S 22°28'00” E a distance of 1885.91 feet to an iron pin set; thence run S 27°01'38” E a distance of 344.86 feet to an iron pin set on the eastern land lot line of Land Lot 21; thence run N 00°58'00” E a distance of 886.22 feet to an iron pin; thence run along the center of a creek S 26°45'00” W a distance of 42.90 feet to a point; thence run S 60°07'00” W a distance of 109.10 feet to a point; thence run S 66°32'00” W a distance of 89.17 feet to an iron pin; thence run N 22°28'00” W a distance of 487.40 feet to an iron pin found; thence run N 78°30'00” E a distance of 396.72 feet to an iron pin found; thence run N 00°58'00” E a distance of 765.36 feet to an iron pin found and the point of beginning. Reserved to Jack M. Reeves, heirs and assigns in such tract is an eighty foot (80') wide easement across the Georgia Power Company right of way located on the above described property as shown on plat of survey referenced herein for the purpose of building a public road to access adjacent property owned by Grantor. LESS AND EXCEPT: Any portion of the following described property within the boundaries of the above-described tract: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 21 of the Second Land District of Coweta County, Georgia and being shown on “Survey for Coweta County & Robyn Klein” prepared by John R. Christopher, G.R.L.S. Number 1766, dated March 22, 2007 which said tract contains Two Acres as shown on said survey and also conveyed hereby is a nonexclusive easement over across and through other property of Grantor shown on such survey as the “Thirty (30') feet Ingress/Egress Easement” from the Two Acre tract to Briar Ridge Road. Reference is hereby made to such survey which is recorded in Plat Book 88, Page 82, Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Coweta County, Georgia for a more complete and accurate description of the metes and bounds of the property and easement conveyed herein. Said Tract consisting of 134 acres as shown by the Plat prepared by Brandon Miller, Georgia RLS Number 2945, for Atlanta Gas Light Company. GEORGIA SUE S. REEVES, as TRUSTEE OF THE JACK M. REEVES TESTAMENTARY TRUST, ROBYN REEVES KLEIN, as TRUSTEE OF THE JACK M. REEVES TESTAMENTARY TRUST, THE HONORABLE MARY CRANFORD, JUDGE, PROBATE COURT OF COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA, TOMMY FERRELL, TAX COMMISSIONER OF COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA, and TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS HAVING OR CLAIMING ANY RIGHT OR INTEREST IN AND TO SAID PARCEL OF LAND, Defendants. N O T I C E TO: THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED AND ALL OTHER PERSONS HAVING ANY OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN, OR CLAIM AGAINST, THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY. The Plaintiff above-named has petitioned this Court to condemn for an easement in the above-described property for natural gas pipeline purposes. You should be present at a Special Master's Hearing on the 8th day of December, 2015, at 9:00 o'clock, A.M., at the following location: 210 South Street Carrollton, GA 30117 to make known your interest in or claim against said property, just and adequate compensation of your interest or claim, and any other matters which are relevant to these proceedings. Clerk, Coweta County Superior Court No.63102-12-3