The Coastal Courier 

Publication Name:
The Coastal Courier

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Hinesville, GA

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Notice Publish Date:
Wednesday, October 07, 2015

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gpn14 HS Foreclosures STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF LIBERTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt from Holly Swain to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for AmeriCare Investment Group, Inc. dba Premier Capital Lending, its successors and assigns, in the original principal amount of $74,616.00 dated 03/28/2008, and recorded in Deed Book 1538, page 618, Liberty County records, said Security Deed being re-recorded in Deed Book 1572, page 1, Liberty County records, said Security Deed being last transferred and assigned to Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC in Deed Book 1859, page 160, Liberty County records, the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door in said County, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday of November, 2015 by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, as Attorney-in-Fact for Holly Swain the following described property: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 1458th G. M District of Liberty County, Georgia, and being in the City of Walthourville, being known and designated as Lot No. 8, Davidson Subdivision, containing 0.93 acre, more or less, as shown and represented on that certain plat of survey made and prepared by Joe P. Davis, Georgia Registered Land Surveyor No. 1436, dated December 28, 1992, and recorded in Plat Section O-65, Page 4A, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Liberty Count, Georgia. Said plat by specific reference is made a part hereof for descriptive and all other purposes. Said lot of land being bounded, now or formerly, as follows: Northerly by Lot No. 9; Easterly by lands of Ophelia Hillery; Southerly by Lot No. 7; and Westerly by the right of way of Strickland Street, all as shown on the above referred to plat of survey. Property known as: 178 Strickland Road, Allenhurst, GA 31301 The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney's fees, (notice having been given as provided by law). The property will be sold as the property of Holly Swain subject to the following: (1) all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way or encumbrances; (2) all valid zoning ordinances; (3) matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property; (4) the outstanding ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any; (5) unpaid water and sewage bills, that constitute liens against the property, whether due and payable or not yet due and payable; and (6) matters of record superior to the security deed first set out above. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC is the assignee and holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 the name of the person or entity who has the full authority to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the aforementioned indebtedness is: Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC 1600 South Douglass Road Suite 200-A Anaheim, CA 92806 PH: 949-517-5057 Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2, you are not entitled by law to an amendment or modification of the terms of your loan. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief, the party in possession is Holly Swain. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, as Attorney-in-fact for Holly Swain. Pendergast & Associates, P.C. 211 Perimeter Center Parkway Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30346 Phone - 770-392-0398 Toll Free - 866-999-7088 Our File No. 15-00035-1 40133 10/7,14,21,28